Join us for a morning of fun with Bumblebee Yoga! We'll learn some yoga and mindfulness, play games, read stories, and make some crafts!
In our Bumblebee Yoga School Holiday Workshops, you get a taste of everything!
This session is suited to 8-10 year olds.
We'll spend the morning doing some kid's yoga and learning how our brains and bodies work through stories and books. There's a mix of interesting yoga poses, fun and energetic games, and calming breathing. You can even learn some cool exercises to use in your everyday life!
Then we'll do some fun crafts, like making a beautiful mindfulness glitter calm-down jar, and colouring in confidence-boosting affirmations.
Why yoga?
Yoga and mindfulness can help kids with regulating their emotions and behaviour. Learning breathing skills helps the body calm down after a big feeling so that we can make decisions that are sensible. We talk a lot about being resilient and kind to ourselves when we make mistakes so that we can keep learning. Yoga games are also fun and engaging, and a great whole-body exercise!
Kids of all abilities are welcome, we want this to be a safe and positive experience for everyone!
If you have any questions or if there's anything you want to let us know, please don't hesitate to get in touch with Leah via phone or email.
0435 039 642