Happy Pride Month Bumblebees! This is a time dedicated to honoring and embracing our vibrant LGBTQ+ community, and I wanted to dive into how yoga can be an incredible practice on our journey of queer joy, self-celebration, and community connection.
So, here are 5 ways that your yoga practice can help you connect to and celebrate your queerness:
1. Embracing Authenticity
Yoga is all about embracing the diversity of humans and connecting to a more universal experience of humanity. Authenticity involves self-awareness, seeing your own strengths and flaws clearly and without judgment, acting in line with your values and needs, and being honest and open in your important relationships. Yoga and mindfulness actively construct each of these elements to allow us to live unapologetically, passionately, and as queer as ever.
2. Loving our Beautiful Bodies
Body image can be a double-edged sword in the queer community. For all the spaces that celebrate body diversity and non-conformity, there are unfortunately also spaces that reinforce harmful ideals and stereotypes. Many people in the queer community have also experienced a feeling of disconnection from the body they were born in, which can make that mind-body connection feel awkward or intense. Yoga can help us get into our physical bodies to appreciate how they feel and move, but it can also encourage us to examine our values, challenge our assumptions, and create more intention in the way we think about beautiful queer bodies!
3. Finding Your Community
Now I may be biased, but the Bumblebee Yoga community has become one of my most important connections to queerness, and I think yoga classes are an amazing way to connect to other like-minded people. If heading to a gay bar sounds daunting or just not your vibe, queer yoga spaces are a beautiful way to connect, share, and find a sense of belonging with other LGBTQIA+ folks. Inclusive yoga communities are ones that celebrate diversity, lift each other up, and make sure that everyone is seen, which is exactly what we strive to cultivate in our Bumblebee classes!
4. Social Justice
Social justice has always been woven into the threads of yoga. The principles of non-harming (Ahimsa), truthfulness (Satya), and non-stealing (Asteya) are all moral imperatives taught and learned through yoga. Although yoga can be an individual path, it is also inherently a collective one. By fostering mindfulness and compassion, yoga encourages practitioners to develop a deep awareness of the interconnectedness of all beings and to use that awareness to stand up for what is right. That means that yoga can help us stay grounded and clear-headed while our fierce mama bear comes out to fight for queer rights!
5. Cultivating Confidence and Resilience
Resilience is a complicated topic because the queer community shouldn't have to be resilient. But LGBTQIA+ people have been resilient for a lot of our history, and we will continue to be. Your queer journey is entirely your own, but know that you are preceded by the wisdom of generations of queer people before you, and the practice of yoga is one way to connect to that sense of strength and wholeness that your gay ancestors dream of for you.